CSC School Environment

At Cohuna Secondary College we aim to create a respectful, caring and engaging environment that provides diverse opportunities for students to extend and expand their capabilities and strive for excellence.

 Respectful Relationships

We understand that students reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture helps to engage students and support them in their learning. Our Student Wellbeing focus aims to empower individuals and teams to enable a sense of connectedness, purpose and zest for life. We seek to help build self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience in order for our students to approach future life experiences, opportunities and challenges with self-assurance and energy.

 Bullying and Harassment

 Our policy on bullying and harassment is based on mutual respect and restorative justice. Harassment and bullying seriously affect our wellbeing, and our educational, personal and social development. All members of our college community have the right to learn and work in a safe, caring and supportive environment, free from all forms of harassment and bullying. Students, teachers and parents each have a vital role to play in eliminating harassment and bullying from the College.
Bullying and harassment is any verbal, electronic or physical behaviour that includes: 
•                 Purposefully excluding another person;
•                 Discriminatory on the grounds of a person's race, sex, ethnicity or religion; 
•                 Unwelcome attention, repeated intimidating 'looks' or making false accusations; 
•                 Threatening, offensive and/or intrusive behaviour; 
•                 Put-downs, name-calling and/or spreading rumours about a person via talking, texting,   phone calls, emails, graffiti, web- postings, writing notes, etc;
•                 Making comments about a person's sexual life or identity; 
•                 Unwanted and unwelcome sexual attention and stalking; and/or 
•                 Unwelcome physical contact (touching, pushing, hitting, kicking, etc.).
 Restorative Practices: 
•                  encourages students to appreciate the consequences of their actions upon others;
•                  enables students to make amends where their actions have harmed others;
•                  requires students to be accountable for their actions;
•                  encourages respect for all concerned.


Cohuna Secondary College is committed to meeting the educational, social and cultural needs of the students through promoting a caring, supportive and educationally challenging environment that provides students with the opportunity to maximise their potential through providing a broad range of cultural activities and setting high academic standards. Our priority is to provide a safe, happy and engaging environment, with high expectations of student behaviour. We aim to build strong relationships amongst students, staff, parents and the wider community.