Principal welcome

‘Our College aims to encourage each student to develop positive behaviour based on co-operation, mutual respect and tolerance amongst students, with students taking responsibility for their own actions.”

Hello and welcome to our School Website, we hope you find our site informative and effective in keeping you up to date on what's happening in our wonderful school.
At Cohuna Secondary College, we are proud to encourage all students to strive for excellence.
Our motto is ' EXCELLAMUS - Let us Excel'.
As Principal my role is to foster an exciting and invigorating learning environment, where students are at the forefront of teaching and learning. I strongly believe that as a school we must focus on every student having a 'voice' and being actively involved in their own learning.
Our staff work and learn together in collegiate teams to maximise student potential through implementing highly effective teaching strategies and a student support system.
We have strong community relationships that foster community respect for our students and build commitment, motivation and provide role modelling.
We also have strong community networks with local schools, businesses and service providers.
Our Vision:
At Cohuna Secondary College we:
  • Treat all people with respect;
  • Actively engage in diverse learning experiences;
  • Create and utilise opportunities to enhance our capabilities;
  • Care for and support each other within the school and the wider community; and
  • Strive for excellence in all that we do.
There is so much to see and enjoy at Cohuna Secondary College - I invite you to visit and experience it for yourself.
I look forward to meeting you.
Fiona Miller, Principal.